Is This Thing On?

Published on: 2025-01-14

Welcome to my new blog on my new portfolio site! My old portfolio was making me sad: I hit that point where the design just wasn’t doing it for me. That meant it was time for me to get to it and refresh it.

Why Astro

Astro caught my eye for a few reasons:

  1. Astro is great for SEO. Portfolios and blogs are more about SEO.
  2. I wanted a no fuss, simple blog. No comments, nothing crazy, no newsletters. Just a blog. Astro seems like a great choice.
  3. Quick animations and styling are just really easy when you’re using vanilla JS without a bunch of libraries or abstractions.
  4. I also wanted it to be simple and easy to host and move around. Packing up a quick Docker image and sending wherever is easy as pie when the site is this simple.

What’s next

I’ll probably be slowly updating and tweaking this portfolio, but it’s already way closer to what I had in mind for a portfolio site when I got started.

From there? Who knows? Probably lot’s of unhinged posts about my thoughts on learning, coding, working. Progress updates on my video game development journey too!

Until Next Time,